Story 13 · Story 2

A Year in Reading: 2022-23

Semester One: Week of Welcome

Quarter One: Changes

Story 1: Cow’s Music

Essential Question: How do new experiences offer new perspectives?
Comprehension Skill: Compare & Contrast
Comprehension Strategy: Visualize
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Words to Know: (Quizlet) consolation, glimmer, heinous, indispensable, perception, phobic, sarcastic, threshold

Story 2: Drumbeat to Freedom

Essential Question: Why do people form alliances?
Comprehension Skill: Sequence
Comprehension Strategy: Visualize
Genre: Historical Fiction
Vocabulary Strategy: Paragraph Clues
Words to Know: (Quizlet) adversity, alliance, confinement, inflicted, reminisce, retrieved, smuggle, spindly

Story 3: The Secret World of Caves

Essential Question: How do life forms vary in different environments?
Comprehension Skill: Main Idea & Key Details
Comprehension Strategy: ReRead
Genre: Expository
Vocabulary Strategy: Root Words (Greek & Latin)
Words to Know: (Quizlet) classification, compartment, engulfs, flanked, maneuvering, obscure, species, submerged

Story 4: The Monster in the Mountains

Essential Question: How do natural forces affect the Earth?
Comprehension Skill: Main Idea & Key Details
Comprehension Strategy:
Genre: Narrative Nonfiction
Vocabulary Strategy: Metaphors & Simile
Words to Know: (Quizlet) cascaded, documentation, dynamic, exerts, plummeting, pulverize, scalding, shards

Story 5: Making Money

Essential Question: What factors influence how people use money?
Comprehension Skill:
Comprehension Skill: Author’s Point of View
Vocabulary Strategy: Root Words (Greek & Latin)
Words to Know: (Quizlet) available, basically, factors, fluctuate, formula, inventory, manufactured, salaries

Story 1-5 Review & Test

The Summary: Who’s That Stepping on Plymouth Rock? by Jean Fritz

Quarter Two: Excursions Across Time

Story 6: Empire of the Sea

Essential Question: What contributions were made by early civilizations?
Comprehension Skill: Problem & Solution
Comprehension Strategy:
Vocabulary Strategy: Latin Roots
Words to Know: (Quizlet) artifact, communal, derived, inscription, millennium, stationery, utilize, yields

Story 7: Democracy Debate

Essential Question: How did democracy develop?
Comprehension Skill: Compare & Contrast
Comprehension Strategy:
Genre: Expository
Vocabulary Strategy: Greek & Latin Prefixes
Words to Know: (Quizlet) aspiring, foundation, preceded, principal, promote, restrict, speculation, withstood

Story 8: Yasukal’s Mighty Trade

Essential Question: What was life like for people in ancient cultures?
Comprehension Skill: Point of View
Comprehension Strategy:
Genre: Historical Fiction
Vocabulary Strategy: Connotations & Denotations
Words to Know: (Quizlet) alcove, commerce, domestic, exotic, fluent, stifling, upheaval, utmost

Thanksgiving Break November 19th -27th

Story 9: Oxymandis

Essential Question: What can the past teach us?
Comprehension Skill: Theme
Comprehension Strategy:
Genre: Poetry
Vocabulary Strategy: Personification
Words to Know: commemorate, contemplate, forlorn, majestic, lyric poetry, rhyme scheme, sonnet, meter

Story 10: Marian Anderson: Struggles & Triumphs

Essential Question:
Comprehension Skill:
Comprehension Strategy:
Vocabulary Strategy:
Words to Know:

Story 6 – 10 Review & Test

  • Text Structure: Problem and Solution (Story 6)
  • Greek and Latin Prefixes/Roots (Story 6, Story 7)
  • Text Structure: Compare and Contrast (Story 7)
  • Point of View (Story 8)
  • Personification (Story 9)

EOC 1 Review & Test

  • Characters, Setting, Plot: Compare and Contrast (Story 1)
  • Characters, Setting, Plot: Sequence (Story 2)
  • Context Clues: Paragraph Clues (Story 2)
  • Main Idea and Key Details (Story 3, Story 4)
  • Greek and Latin Prefixes/ Roots (Story 3, Story 5, Story 6, Story 7)
  • Metaphors and Similes (Story 4)
  • Author’s Point of View (Story 5)
  • Text Features: Headings (Expository, Story 7)
  • Connotation and Denotation (Story 8)
  • Point of View (Story 8)
  • Theme (Story 9)
  • Personification (Story 9)
  • Text Structure: Cause and Effect (Story 10)

Winter Break December 22nd – January 3rd

Semester Two: Halfway There

Quarter Three: Challenges

Story 11: The Day The Dam Broke

Essential Question: How do people meet environmental challenges?
Comprehension Skill: Author’s Point of View
Comprehension Strategy:
Genre: Expository
Vocabulary Strategy: Paragraph Clues
Words to Know: (Quizlet) alignment, calamity, eclipse, generated, inconvenience, periodic, prolonged, tenacity

Story 12: She Had to Walk Before Before She Could Run

Essential Question: How do people meet personal challenges?
Comprehension Skill: Author’s Point of View
Comprehension Strategy:
Genre: Biography
Vocabulary Strategy: Idioms
Words to Know: summit, assess, compensate, deteriorated, devastating, implement, peripheral, potential

Story 13: Treasure in the Attic

Essential Question: When are decisions hard to make?
Comprehension Skill: Theme
Comprehension Strategy:
Genre: Drama
Vocabulary Strategy: Homophones
Words to Know: (Quizlet) benefactor, empathy, endeavor, entail, extensive, indecision, multitude, tentatively

Story 14: My Visit to Arizona

Essential Question: How do people uncover what they have in common?
Comprehension Skill: Theme
Comprehension Strategy: Summarize
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Vocabulary Strategy: Homographs
Words to Know: (Quizlet) adjustment, chattering, ember, mentor, nomadic, rapport, reunites, sturdy

Story 15: Hey Nilda and Hi Rachel

Comprehension Skill:
Comprehension Strategy:
Vocabulary Strategy:
Words to Know:

Story 16: Journey to Freedom

Essential Question:
Comprehension Skill:
Comprehension Strategy:
Vocabulary Strategy:
Words to Know:

Story 11 – 16 Review & Test

  • Context Clues: Paragraph Clues (Story 11)
  • Author’s Point of View (Story 11, Story 12)
  • Idioms (Story 12, Story 15)
  • Text Features: Stage Directions and Scenes (Story 13)
  • Theme (Story 13, Story 14)
  • Homographs (Story 14)

Quarter Four: Taking Action

Story 17: The Fortunes of Fragrance

Essential Question: How have people used natural resources?
Comprehension Skill: Main Idea & Key Details
Comprehension Strategy: Ask and Answer Questions
Genre: Expository Text
Vocabulary Strategy: Latin Roots
Words to Know: (Quizlet) commodity, distribution, dominant, edible, impenetrable, ornate, replenished, significant

Story 18: The Great Fire of London

Essential Question:
Comprehension Skill:
Comprehension Strategy:
Vocabulary Strategy:
Words to Know: (Quizlet)

Spring Break March 16th – 26th

Story 19: Researcher to the Rescue

Essential Question: How can a scientific investigation be an adventure?
Comprehension Skill: Main Idea & Key Details
Comprehension Strategy: Summarize
Genre: Expository Text
Vocabulary Strategy: Context Clues
Words to Know: (Quizlet) alternative, correspond, extract, foliage, hypothesis, protein, resilient, saturated

Story 20: Messages in Stone & Wood

Essential Question:
Comprehension Skill:
Comprehension Strategy:
Vocabulary Strategy:
Words to Know:

Book Club: Little Women Classic Starts

Story 21: How Many Seconds?

Essential Question:
Comprehension Skill:
Comprehension Strategy:
Genre: Poetry
Vocabulary Strategy:
Words to Know: (Quizlet) horizons, incentive, recreation, unfettered, hyperbole, repetition, imagery, ode, repetition

Story 17 – 21 Review & Test

  • Main Idea & Key Details (Story 17)
  • Latin & Greek Roots (Story 17, Story 20)
  • Text Structure: Cause and Effect (Story 18)
  • Adages (Story 18)
  • Context Clues: Comparisons (Story 19)
  • Text Structure: Sequence (Story 20)
  • Hyperbole (Story 21)
  • Theme (Story 21)

EOC 2 Review & Test

  • Character, Setting, Plot: Compare and Contrast (Story 1)
  • Character, Setting, Plot: Sequence (Story 2)
  • Text Structure: Compare and Contrast (Story 7)
  • Context Clues: Paragraph Clues (Story 11)
  • Author’s Point of View (Story 11)
  • Idioms (Story 12)
  • Theme (Story 13, Story 14, Story 21)
  • Point of View (Story 15)
  • Character, Setting, Plot: Cause and Effect (Story 16)
  • Main Idea and Key Details (Story 17, Story 19)
  • Context Clues: Comparisons (Story 19)

End of School Year: One Last Time

Last Day of School May 24th

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2 thoughts on “A Year in Reading: 2022-23

  1. I’m going to miss being in your class!!!

    Have fun next year!

    1. Me too! Please stop by and say hello. I think you are going to enjoy 7th grade.

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